This is a picture of his hands.
The arrow indicates, yes, it is a boy. This is kind of a butt shot. We are 24 weeks now and it is so crazy that I am taking care of 24 week babies in the NICU right now. 24 weeks is the cut off for resuscitation currently. It's kind of weird to see what size Hyrum is based on what our 24week NICU residents are. He better cook a little longer! No 24 week baby wanted here!
Here is Rob and Cari working on their pumpkins.
Here is our completed pumpkin. Not too original but it was still fun.
Okay, so this is a scary picture but not taken during Halloween. This was actually taken at 20wks and I am now 23 wks. People have been requesting to see my belly. That's all it is, a belly. Hyrum is doing well. We got a second peek at him on Halloween day and it is definetly still a boy and all our worries were put to rest.
Here are the completed pumpkins from Monday night. Ben & Katie's on the left, Cari's in the middle, and Rob's on the right.
On Halloween we went to Rob & Cari's again for a Halloween party. They were the only cool ones to dress up as a boy and girl scout. Pretty cool costumes!