Hyrum enjoys the football as well.
Our little guy can now hold his head up (he has for a while now). He loves to eat oatmeal, applesauce, prunes, and pears. He sleeps on his tummy now (all of the time). He is mostly sleeping through the night now as well. YAHOO!
As for the Idaho update-we are still in Virginia. The latest news is that the manager hiring Ben is overloaded and understaffed and is having a hard time getting her part of the offer together. They say they still want him and that an offer will be coming any day-we have heard this for a month but are still hopeful it will happen sooner than later. We talk to them weekly so we are informed.
It is hot in Virginia-wish we would have been able to use our pool passes this summer! Work is going well-I'm ready to leave! Sunday night at work was chaos! We had 2 staff nurses in each of the 4 intensive rooms and 4-5 travelers to go with us. Talk about chaos when only the staff nurses can admit new babies and each staff nurse has a 1:1 patient! We managed to admit somehow though-no thanks to the travelers! I'm getting tired of them sitting around and not being team players! Thankfully the other staff nurse and I are good friends and a good support to each other-we managed to keep everyone alive for the night!
I got my Virginia car tax in the mail today. It is rediculous that in this state you have to pay taxes on your car every year-and when you buy the car. There goes another $300 we could have used! Can't wait to move to Idaho and not have things like that.
On a positive note-gas dropped to $4.04 today! Haven't seen it that low in a while! Maybe it won't be $4.50 when we move after all!
So everyone talks about the Twilight series. I'm seeking new books for reading at work and this is my new target. If anyone has the first book and would lend it to me that would be great! Library has a waiting list 20 people long!
Okay-I'm done babbling for another month unless something exciting happens with a job! Keep praying for us to move!