We finally have had some warm weather and we've been enjoying the outdoors! Hyrum LOVES water! Not afraid whatsoever! We got him a little pool and he loves to play in it. Here are some picture of him in the pool.

This is his Redskin jersey from last summer...it still fits so Ben is excited to get one more round of Redskin jersey pictures! We'll post them after we take them!

There is a great pool in Pocatello called Ross park. My mom and I and uncle Nate took Hyrum swimming there a few weeks ago. He loved the water and kept trying to put his face in to blow bubbles. Here is a picture of him sun bathing and warming up!

Here is Hyrum with my cookie jar container aka his new favorite toy. He love to walk around with it on his head and talk into it. Funny the things get into!

It's July already! Can't believe it! We went to Pocatello for 4th of July weekend. My mom also has a little pool for Hyrum and so here is Hyrum and Pepper aka doggie in the pool. Hyrum love dogs still!

After we got out of the pool he loves to snuggle! I hope this continues forever!

My mom let Hyrum discover the hose. He loved it and got drinks from it! So cute!

We attended the parade on the 4th. Hyrum was a trooper considering you have to get there a little early to get seats and all he can really do is watch-not run for candy like everyone else. It was fun though!

Watching the parade-drinking his water!

Here's a little video for the grandparents of Hyrum playing in the pool. Hyrum has been sick of course the last few weeks so we are on the mend again. We are excited to celebrate Ben's 28th (wow thats old) birthday on Friday! In about 9 days we leave for Portland, OR for our summer trip! Can't wait to get out of town!