Warning Long Post Ahead! Can't believe its been like 5 weeks since I blogged and we've been busy. Hyrum turned 18 months! (above picture on that day). He is 34 inches tall, 24 lbs 11oz, and a wild man! We love him! I finally got around to doing something with my blank walls and this is what I did on our wall in our living room. (below)

Here is my big 18 month old again!

Shortly before my mom moved to Oregon we got her to take a few family pics of us. Here is Hyrum not wanting to be piggy back anymore in our Redskin jerseys. Yes, he can still wear the same one from last summer (we can wear ours too j/k). He posed much better last year. He's too busy moving now!

Here is the best family pic we could get!

Ben's mom came from Virginia and visited for a couple weeks. We went to Yellowstone with the whole family in a 12 passenger van and what an adventure! It was really fun. We also stopped by the Tetons and went through Jackson on the way home. Here is us under the famous arches.

Ben & I with the Tetons in the background.

The beautiful Tetons. It was kinda smokey that day due to wildfires-so not as spectacular in photo.

Saw Old Faithful blow... Hyrum could have cared less about watching it blow but was more facinated pushing his stroller around and picking up little rocks and throwing them everywhere.

This is our typical lunch time. He loves to take the PB&J apart and smear it everywhere! So cute though, how can you get mad?

Just a cute picture. Love him!

Earlier in Sept we went to Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and took Hyrum to see the animals. He loved it!

Here is with the horses. He wasn't too sure about petting something bigger than him!
So I messed up and this picture is crooked but Hyrum loves to vacuum! I was trying to get him dressed for church one day and this was his top priority. Funny kid. Warning, partially nude photo!

Here he is hard at work.

We've been busy having my mom move and then having Ben's mom come and now things are finally starting to settle down. Football season is here and fall is arriving.
I'm still trying to like our dog. What was I thinking? Seriously, anyone can HAVE her for free! I'm trying to train her but I feel like I have two 18 month olds-a baby would have been much easier-diapers and no movement!
No headway on the baby front either...we are going to be starting some tests in the next few months to find out what's going on. I know I got pregnant somehow before and hopefully it will happen again. Still have some sad days realizing I should be huge pregnant and having a baby this December but faith keeps us going! Wish us luck!