So I realized I've been slacking in the blogging department but we've been busy...kinda. Ben finally got our gutters up on the back of our house and so the compromise was that if he did that we could paint and finish (kinda) our bedroo. So, we painted it tan and brown and I made the curtains (above). The are chocolate brown corderoy (sp?). I know its a weird fabric choice but being a nurse, I need something thick to block out the light during the day for napping! Below is our focus wall the dark brown. The camera put a weird dot on the wall that is not there actually.

This is the wall to our bathroom. Just tan. It was actually really fun and we felt like we did a better job than when we painted Hyrum's room. It took all week (working nights only) to finish but it is done and we like it!

I have been feeling crafty lately and actually went to enrichment and made this turkey. Don't know why its blog worthy but I thought it was cute!

Now to the main event. This is Hyrum this morning doing his "I'm too sexy for my..." pose. Yes, the dog scratched his face multiple times this morning. Like his pjs?

This is what entertains me all day! So cute and funny! Still loves the vaccum!

Last Saturday we took Hyrum to a great little pumpkin patch that Ben's coworker tipped us off to. It was really cheap and tons of pumpkins to choose from. Hyrum had a blast! Next year maybe we'll try the train ride and corn maze that went along with it!

Look at all these mom!

So it has been cooler (although this week it is nice) so on our evening walks we've had to bundle Hyrum up! Such a cutie!

We call it his marshmallow coat!

One night after our walk we took his hat off to find this...

He thinks mittens are pretty cool. Hence the thumbs up (although I'm pretty sure his thumb wasn't in the thumb spot)

His new thing in the bathtub is to eat bubbles. He had a bubble beard. Funny boy!

I just realized there were a few more pictures I wanted to post but I think this will due for now. I can't believe my little boy will be 2 in 4 months! How time flies! He is so fun and funny and we love every minute of him!
I've been filling my days with little projects to keep busy. I'm already dreading winter and the long days inside. Thank goodness the holidays are in winter to keep us busy!
To clarify...I am not pregnant. Yes I was, we actually lost another baby a few days ago and look forward to going to see the doctor next week to find out what is wrong with me! j/k. I just have to remember to be patient and try to be on the "Lord's time." It really is a miracle to have Hyrum and I can be happy with that...but I can still hope for more too! We are happy and doing well. Ben's excited to not have to mow the lawn anymore and we're looking forward to our families coming for the holidays! I love this time of year!