So I am really slacking with blogging...I've been wanting to post Thanksgiving for a while now just haven't got around to it yet! Well, so much has changed I have to remember what to catch up on. Mom and Nate came for 6 days for Thanksgiving and it was great. We miss them now that they are gone but excited because Butcher grandparents come tonight! Anyway, my mom helped me cook the big turkey dinner and it turned out yummy with lots and lots of food and leftovers. We put up our Christmas tree while they were here so here is Hyrum & Nate showing it off. Christmas is a lot different than last year. Hyrum is more into the tree than we'd hoped. Lets just say all the unbreakable ornaments are on the bottow for him to pull off and on all day. He loves to tell us the lights are "hot."

We've had more snow but this was our first big snow and Hyrum loved it!
Below is just Hyrum and Nate being silly.

We drove up past Ririe to a Snake River outlook and my mom kindly took Christmas card pictures. Sorry if you didn't get a card. Leave me your address and I can send you one if you want. Here is one of the ones we used.

My Cute boys Thanksgiving morning. Hyrum is really into "hats" right now.

Guess Ben was taking this picture but here is most of the Thanksgiving gang!

Grandma & Hyrum.

My sister-in-law Becky told me about a great find. Free pictures with Santa at BYU-I one night of the year! We hauled Hyrum up there to get our picture with Santa. ( I wasn't about to pay $30 like last year for 3 crying pictures of Hyrum). Here is 3/4 of Becky's girls with Santa.
I guess I just realized Hyrum's pic with Santa is lower...so keep scrolling.

My little boy loves to wear daddy's redskin crocs all around the house!

He is my child...he loves chocolate kisses!

Two years in a row...still doesn't like Santa. He was a really nice Santa though.

Lastly, tomorrow is Ben & I's 4th wedding anniversary! Can't believe how time has flown! I am so grateful for him and the wonderful husband and daddy he is. He is so selfless and helpful I couldn't ask for more. Since our anniversary is 1 week before Christmas we decided to celebrate a month late and go to Hawaii! We are dropping Hyrum off in Portland with grandma and then heading to Hawaii for 6 days. We are super excited and figure we might as well do it now...who knows when we will get another chance! After 2 weeks of -15degrees the peace of the 80's sound great! Already I'm missing Hyrum but it will be good for us.

We also found out the week of Thanksgiving that I have some genetic thing where I don't absorb folic acid properly and clot my blood easier. (MTHFR) Don't ask what it stand for cause I don't know! The doctor has given me a baby aspirin and 2 extra pills of folic acid to take for now. Heparin and more folic acid will probably be the prescript when I get pregnant again. Not looking forward to the Heparin shots...wish I still had a my nurse friend that lived across the street-why did we move again? Ben has already said he won't give them to me. Any takers? Really, this is a blessing to find this out and its a pretty okay thing to have instead of lupus or ms. Just makes me even more grateful for Hyrum- he is our little miracle. Hopefully next time we will have better luck! Hope to have some good news next year!
Ben's parents are coming for Christmas. We are excited to see them. Hyrum hasn't seen grandpa in 14 months! He's changed quite a bit! (Hyrum that is). We look forward to a week of family packed fun! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and I'll try to post Christmas pictures before Valentines!