Sorry this picture is sideways...forgot to turn it. Cute though.
Here is our house all covered in snow. My mom gave us her snowblower when she moved. We happily used it once and then went to use it last night and nothing...its broken. It is old and we'll see about fixing it...guess tonight we're clearing the snow the old fashioned way...shoveling!
We sadly took down our Christmas decorations yesterday and Hyrum loved reading his books in the boxes!
Ben's been home this past week and we've really enjoyed it. We went to Rigby to see his cousin Lindsey and their new lab puppies. Only a week old! Hyrum loved them. NO we will not be getting one! I haven't forgotten the puppy stages yet!
This picture is taken from Christmas morning. We had a great Christmas holiday! This is the best present and probably could have been the only because he has rarely gotten out of it since Christmas morning. He cries when we pull him out! He proceeded to open all his presents in the car that morning.
I worked Christmas Eve so Ben kindly fixed breakfast for us Christmas morning. Here are my two boys Christmas morning. I then got to sleep for 2 hrs and then finish Christmas in Rexburg with Ben's family.
Ben's Aunt Colleen sent Hyrum this cute outfit! Such a handsome boy!
Ben's parents came for Christmas and it was great. They stayed with us a few nights and Hyrum really enjoyed being with them. We also appreciated the babysitting, date nights, and quality time with them. Some highlights included going on a sleigh ride/dinner/date show in Ririe. It was fun and a nice kid free adventure for all the adults!
I got brave and made sugar cookies with Hyrum one day before Christmas. He loved playing in the flour. Think he's a little to young for this tradition still!
Ben's parents and Hyrum!
Hyrum first thing on Christmas morning. Of course he had no idea it was Christmas and was probably wondering why I took pictures of him?
Handsome boy again.
Hyrum & I Christmas morning. Don't judge...I had just worked all night.

Here is a little video of Hyrum sledding yesterday in the snow. I was holding two cameras at once trying to film so sorry for the shakiness.
Here is a little video of Hyrum sledding yesterday in the snow. I was holding two cameras at once trying to film so sorry for the shakiness.
We're looking forward to the adventures 2010 brings. We are excited for our trip to Hawaii in 2 weeks! After living in cold a warm 80s sounds nice. We've got other little trips planned/scheduled too that we look forward too. Can't believe my baby will be 2 soon! Time flies!