As always my pictures are out of sorts. I made Hyrum's birthday cake and here are the farm animals. Below is the barn. It turned out okay for a first attempt! I was stressing all morning about it but got it done in time! The marshmallow ones are supposed to be sheep...

We had a great 3 day weekend spending time with Hyrum! He got spoiled by family and made out like a bandit! Above is actually a picture of this morning. He loves to push his doggies around in his new shopping cart!

Saturday-Hyrum's Birthday(above and below) Showing me all his presents.

Our Handsome 2 year old! I can't believe he's 2!

He's wondering why I'm taking a picture of him first thing in the morning. Have to capture every birthday moment!

Here is a video of Hyrum doing the cake and candles thing for the grandparents.
Hyrum got a golf set for his birthday and has been having a blast with it. Here is a video for the professional golfer. He is not my kid...mostly Ben's. Not only is he good at basketball and soccer...lets add golf to it! Okay...so he still has a little to work on with golf! Enjoy!