I've needed to update for so long but life had been busy and exciting lately. Way back when on Memorial Day we went with Ben's sister and her family to Mesa Falls. Ben & I had never been there before so it was really fun. Hyrum was a trooper and walked the whole way! Ben's mom has been here for about 2.5 weeks and recently went home but she was able to be here for this.

Above: Family pic at Mesa Falls
Below: The boys and Chloe

Grandma Butcher & Hyrum

May 17 we got a new little niece...Paige. Ben's sister Becky had her 5th girl and here is a picture of the new family!

We've had some fun outside whenever the weather has decided to stay nice. These are some pictures sometime in May of Hyrum having fun helping wash the cars.

His favorite part was spraying us with the hose. He would laugh and giggle so hard it was so cute!

Hyrum always points out bikes whenever we go places so we thought maybe he'd be old enough to try a trike! Well, lets say this picture is the most he's been on it total. He hasn't got the coordination figured out yet but we'll work on it! He does like it though!

Hyrum's most favorite activity right now is mowing the lawn. I do not exaggerate to say that at least 5 times a day I get asked "dad lawn" which means is dad mowing the lawn? How exciting is mowing day at our house! We got Hyrum a bubble lawn mower that he pushes around while Ben mows. It's pretty cute and funny!

Hyrum's 2nd cousin Karston came to play the other day and here is a cute pic of them.

Hyrum also loves to throw the football and we did not teach him this but he knows somehow he has to have his helmet on? Too much watching football at our house! He's getting ready to toss it here!

Our future football player (Ben hopes).

Hyrum is now in a big boy bed...in a big boy booster seat at the table (no high chair). He's getting so big...next big step will be potty training.

So it's not a great picture of me but I chopped my hair off last night. I was trying to grow it out but decided I needed something faster so I chopped it. I love it though.

I turned 24 last Monday which was fun. Ben and family spoiled me which was nice. We went down to Sandy, UT for one of our IVF appts and it went well. I have started injections now in my stomach and it's not as bad as I thought. Even though I give many shots at work and start IVs frequently you just don't know how it will feel to do it to yourself! I still have to psych myself up for it a little but the pain is really minimal. It's more the idea of it than anything. I'm heading into my last 3 shifts of work this weekend and then will be spoiled with month off to complete our IVF stuff. We head down July 1 to stay for a week and a half. We have a couple day trips to make down there between now and then. It's getting exciting and nerve racking! I just want it to work so bad and we have so much invested in this! They gave us the lecture this past weekend of the risks of it not working and it felt a little discouraging. I'm trying to stay positive and have faith!
On a happier note...Ben is enjoying work right now and actually had been busy...He's having fun building models for the company but worries he will put his whole department out of a job because the computere is doing all the work! Just kidding! But he does laugh about it!