Too much has happened lately to leave out so pardon my really long post and feel free to rush through! My mother in law got diagnosed with Breast Cancer almost 2 months ago and has since had surgery but I made her a breast cancer survivor quilt and my mom quilted it for me! Below is a baby blanket I made for Ben's cousin Adrienne. My mom also quilted it for me!

Our lawn has required some extra watering lately so Hyrum has had fun running through the sprinkler!

So happy!

It took a whole week and with much help from our family the Lukes, we finished our rock project. This is the before....

This is the after. 2 dump trucks full of 2 inch rock and many wheelbarrow fulls later we are done and still have rock left over. Someday we will tackle the front flower beds but for now we are resting! To the left of the picture is a small garden area. We did this because we are sick of looking at weeds! What a project!

Just too cute in his hat! He wants to wear it every time he helps Ben mow the lawn. Yes, we are still obsessed with that around her. Although we have progressed to if we say no to mowin the lawn he says Wednesday...the day we normally mow!

So, after weeks of shots we got the green light to start stimulating the heck out of my ovaries! Due to daily doctor's appts (even on the weekends) we stayed at hotel for 5 nights. We tried to get out as much as we could to entertain Hyrum. Lets just say we won't be planning any long hotel trips in the future! Cranky 2 year old all week but we did have some fun! Friday July 2 we went to the zoo and saw the new baby elephant. Hyrum was impressed!

I think he was a little shocked how big the animals were since in books they look so small.

Included at the Hogle zoo is a carousel ride and a train ride. He screamed when he had to get off the lion on the carousel ride. He loved it!

Pictures are out of order for a few...but on Sunday the 4th of July we took a trip to temple square after or dr appt. It was a beautiful day (yes I took this pic). Can't believe its almost been 5 years since we got married there! Of course in December it didn't look so nice!

Hyrum on the platform where Ben and I had so many wedding pics taken.

Back to July 3 now. Ben's cousin Adrienne invited us to play with them for the day and watch fireworks at Thanksgiving Point(in ut they do fireworks on the 3rd due to Sunday). Here is a picture of us waiting 2 hours in the windy cold for fireworks to start. Hyrum loved them!

Earlier in the day on July 3 we went swimming at Adrienne's inlaws house. Hyrum is a fish(see videos below).

Another picture of mom and baby elephant at the zoo.

Family picture at temple square.

Hyrum standing in front of his namesake.

Closer up.

Monday (our last day before heading home Tues) we drove up to beautiful Park City. I have only been there in the winter for skiing but it was fun to go in the summer. We had to hit the outlets and Ben spoiled me by letting me try stuff on kidless while he played at various playgrounds scattered throughout the outlets. After we went to Olympic Park and saw where they did bobsled and ski jumps at the Olympics. Hyrum did not want to get out of the bobsled.

Ben & Hyrum in front of the practice ski jump. There is a swimming pool below that the jumpers jump into. Looks fun! Hyrum just wanted to go swimming in it.

Our IVF has been successful so far. On Tuesday they put me out to retrieve eggs! They got a whopping 27 eggs...17 mature...13 fertalized. The embryos are 3 days old now and all have made it and in 2 days we will go down to have 2 put in! We keep asking Hyrum do you want one baby or two babies? At first he said two...now he says one...I'm hoping for anything...in the words of my niece Jocelyn "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" So we're hoping for a baby or two next March but time will tell.
Below are some videos of Hyrum swimming on July 3. Too cute not to show grandparents!