So we've only been waiting forever to finally share but here we go! We are pregnant and it's just one! Above is the two embryos we put in at 5 days old. Only one survivied which we are super okay with so we're 12 weeks now and due March 29, 2011! We are so grateful! Below is at yesterdays dr appt! So cute and less bean like!

I've been waiting to share all of what is going on due to my trying not to spill the beans although most people we talk to regularly already know. It's hard to keep a secret when you've done IVF. So, here is a catch up of August and some of September. My mom and brother Nate came out in August for a little over a week. We went to Island park while there and took some fun pictures.

We also did our traditional Redskin pics so here is Hyrum this year!

These pics are all out of order but we went to the zoo too in IF and it was fun. Pigeons and bunnies at a zoo are a little lame though...

Family Redskin Pic.

Island park bear! Hyrum was a little scared at first!

Hyrum and I by the bear.

Hyrum and Nate on the bear.

Hyrum went four wheeling while I stayed at home being a good pregnant lady. Here is Hyrum all decked out! Thanks Patti & Richard for a great weekend and showing us around!

Ben & Hyrum on the four wheeler trip.

Grandma and Hyrum riding.

Hyrum fell asleep on the way home on the four wheeler. So cute!

The family!

Hyrum & Ben.

Grandma and Hyrum.

I cheated a little and took Hyrum for a ride around the cabin.

Grandma got Hyrum some new tools. Here he is showing them off.

This one is for grandma....the race car pjs.

Labor Day weekend we went to the Idaho State Fair. Hyrum loved all the animals! He wanted to touch all of them but the pig "startled me" as he says.

Hyrum and the goat!

I also gave Hyrum his first haircut by myself in a while. It looks not as bad as the ladies I"ve paid to do it lately...

Cutting hair!

So everything is going well. We feel so blessed and happy right now and Hyrum is convinced it is another boy!
Hyrum is doing really well with speech now. He has been going for 6 months and we retested him and he is age appropriate now! Yeah! We're going to keep going through the end of the year but we're really excited. The speech therapist told me the first day he would need speech until kindergarten. She was so shocked how fast he improved! Hooray!
Our next big adventure is Virginia in 6 weeks! We can't wait to go see our family/friends out there and all of us get to go! Hyrum is excited for the airplane ride! It will be a quick trip of 6 days but we can't wait!