Wow, 2 months has flown by! Things have been busy as we try to soak up these last few days of nice weather! In August, my sweet Grandpa Weatherford passed away. The kids and I flew out to say our good-byes before taking him off support and then Ben drove out for the service. Above is a family picture of all of us(that were able to come) at the service. So grateful for my knowledge of eternal families...and my knowledge as a nurse to help our family...and for my great bro-in-law who is a doctor and helped me muddle through what was going on with my grandpa. It was an unexpected passing but we know he is comfortable now!
2 days after returning from Portland...Hyrum started his 1st day of preschool! He goes 2 days a week. I thought I would be sadder...but mostly I'm enjoying my freedom to shop for 4 hrs/week with just Alison!

Beginning of August...my mom came out and took our annual Redskin family photo! BTW...tonight they play the cowboys for mnf...Go REDSKINS!

My Sweet Alison! The next are random photos over the month of September of my cutie! Yesterday she turned 6 months! Time flies! She is almost sitting up, scooting everywhere, rolling everywhere, eating some solids, and receiving loving from her family! (I inherited a dslr camera and have been loving playing with it so sorry for all the pics!)

Happy 1/2 Birthday of Pears!

Cuties before church!

Funny face!

The pears!

All dressed up for church on her 6 mo bday!

Smiling for Hyrum!

So sweet!

Look at those blue eyes and red hair!

Sorry, tons of the same but grandmas love that!


Silly smile!

Not sure about the grass...

Handsome 3.5 year old!

Happy in her bumbo!

We have a crazy next 3 weeks...I have tons of extra work for education stuff the next few weeks....Ben is taking the GMAT (scarry) on Oct 10 for his MBA (hopefully starting in January)...and I'm running my first 5k on Oct 15! Wish me luck! Hope the weather stays nice enough so my lungs won't be burning in 30 degree weather at 8am!
Happy Fall!