First off, we're expecting a GIRL in March! We are so excited and I've been working frantically to get everything together for the baby's room! I'll post pictures of what we've done as soon as it's all together! Happy that tomorrow marks the 3rd trimester and we are getting closer to meeting this little girl! Traveling back to Thanksgiving...we got stranded in Idaho due to weather and did not make it to Portland. So, we crashed Ben's sister's house for Thanksgiving and had a great time. Above is Hyrum and his cousin Candace-they have become quite good friends lately and it is so cute to see them play together! Below is Hyrum helping shovel some of the snow we have received lately!
This is Hyrum Thanksgiving morning with our dog Chloe.
Daddy & Hyrum Thanksgiving morning.
Please excuse the out of order is from last Saturday night! We've enjoyed a whole week off with Ben between Christmas and New Years so Ben wanted to grow is beard! Here's what a weeks worth of no shaving is! Silly man! Yes, there is a beard but the camera doesn't do it justice!
Since we could not travel to Portland for Thanksgiving, and I had to work Christmas Eve...we talked my mom and brother into coming out for Christmas! Hyrum enjoying his new "snowmobile" (it's a sled that looks like a snowmobilie) on Christmas afternoon. He got so spoiled and it is hard for him to pick which is his favorite Christmas present...snowmobile sled, train table, or train tracks from G&G Butcher?
Hyrum playing outside/helping dad shovel.
I've been busy crafting lately...Ben's cousin Lindsay came up with this cute nativity idea and one cold December day Lindsay, Amber (Lindsay's friend) and I put these together! Thought they turned out so cute! Thanks Lindsay!
Not the best picture but I've always wanted an advent calendar and have never been able to find one that was also a nativity. I got searching online and found this pattern on etsy and bought it and made myself one! This is how it turned out! There is a different character for all 24 days. Hyrum really enjoyed it and I look forward to the tradition every year now!
Here is the Butcher Family Christmas morning. Please excuse me...I was up all night!
Hyrum going right to his train table! Thanks Daddy, Grandma, Dallas, & Uncle Nate for putting things together all night!
Hyrum on his snowmobile sled! Such a happy boy!
Christmas Eve our neighbors got home from snowmobiling and Hyrum happened to be out walking with Grandma and Uncle Nate. They asked if he could sit on the the snowmoblie...he was in heaven. This picture will soon reside in Hyrum's room and he asks to look at it on my camera every day!
Dec 23rd we decorated sugar cookies for Santa. I'm not sure how many Hyrum decorated versus ate?
The family decorating...
A few weeks before Christmas we had dinner with some family and I made baby Paige this tutu for Christmas. Thought it turned out cute and can't wait to make one for our little girl!
My work party had Santa visit and Hyrum did better this year. He loved that Santa gave him a monster truck at this party and until Christmas was convinced that Santa only brought monster trucks. We'd see Santa at th mall and he'd ask to go see him to get another monster truck. Now he has realized Santa brings other great things too!
Also, for G&G Butcher, here is Hyrum saying thank you for his train set since he refuses to talk on the phone! Thank you!
Also, for G&G Butcher, here is Hyrum saying thank you for his train set since he refuses to talk on the phone! Thank you!
I almost forgot to mention that Ben & I celebrated 5 years of marriage Dec 17th! Love you sweetie!
We had a very blessed holidays and can't wait for all the exciting things 2011 will bring. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a wonderful 2011 as well!