So today I'm finally posting about our newest addition. I'll also share with you my labor story...I like to read about peoples' stories but feel free to skip if you don't care! So, above...last pregancy picture. Huge, I know! I was scheduled to be induced on March 25th...I woke up about 2am that morning with contractions about 15 mins apart. I thought nothing of it but they kept coming all morning and eventually were 10 minutes apart and painful by 4:30am. Still...10 minutes apart I thought no big deal. They were becoming more painful so I got up and thought I might as well start getting ready since we had to be at the hospital at 7 anways. Through getting ready they got closer and worse but still only 5-7 minutes apart. I called labor and delivery and asked if we could come a little early...they said sure! We got there about 6:30am...not too early...and they had spaced back out to every 10 minutes. I got the monitors hooked up and my first dose of antibiotic in before they started the pitocin. The nurse started me at the very minimum dose and said she would not turn it up until the doctor came in to break my water and check me. Still contracting very minimally every 5-10minutes. Finally the nurse said "I think you should get your epidural before the doctor comes in to break your water.I called Dr. blank to come start your epidural." I was thinking...no I want to wait and see how far along I am. So, at 9am I got my epidural and at 9:30am Dr. O arrived to check me and break my water now that I was starting to get numb. He shocked me and told me I was 8cm and that he would go change to have this baby! 8cm!!!! Good thing that nurse got me my epidural! Below...laboring.

After 10-15 minutes of pushing at 10:18am I had Alison Ruth Butcher. She was 8lbs 7oz and 21.25 inches long! HUGE! I couldn't believe she was BIGGER than Hyrum! I don't hear numbers like that very often where I work. 6lbs seems huge! Needless to say she still felt like my small little baby and we love her! Below is Daddy holding Alison for the first time. (As with Hyrum I seem to tolerate labor fine but get all sick afterwards so I didn't get to hold her for a while and had to have a fluid bolus and some oxygen afterwards.???)

In our postpartum room! First family photo!

Hyrum came to visit about 5pm that night and loved holding his baby sister!

First family photo of 4!

Our baby girl! She has a full head of auburn colored hair. We think she looks like Hyrum alot but also different in her own way!

I was spoiled tremendously by co-workers while at the hospital. She always had bows and her hair done and was the best dressed!

Hyrum looking at Alison.

He loves her!

We came home on March 27 and have been adjusting to life as parents of 2! My mom is here helping us and our other family around here has been great too! We had some newborn pictures of Alison and our family taken today so in a few weeks I will have those back and ready to post! I'll be a blogging slacker the next few weeks I'm sure because you forget how much work a newborn is! We love our little blessing and so grateful she arrived healthy and strong!