Finish! Finally I can blog! Way back on October 15 we had a great day! I ran my 1st 5k and finished 8th overall for women! It was so much fun! This is me almost ready to cross finish line! It has me addicted to running and am planning on maybe a 10k or half next spring/summer. I gotta keep some motivation to keep running! Later that day...we went to a pumpkin patch with the kids. Hyrum had a blast!

Ben & Hyrum riding the train!

So Handsome!

I got this idea from pinterest...but we decorated our front door(frankenstein).

Since I have a nice camera now...I've been trying to take pictures of Alison for her milestones. This is normally how she acts! Mean mommy! I was really tempted to have the lady that did her newborn pics do a 7 month shoot for us...glad I didn't because Ali won't sit still long enough to capture!

Occasionally I do get a smile!

Hyrum helps a lot!

My 7 month old (almost 8 months now). She always has her finger in her mouth or her tongue sticking out! At 7 months you are crawling everywhere and can pull yourself up to the couch and walk along it! Watch out me! I'm going to have a walker soon!

Hyrum was a fireman for Halloween. He loved it and got to wear his outfit a few times.

This is his preschool class (minus 1 boy). So cute!

Halloween night: This is how Ali has to eat to avoid getting food in her hair!

Hyrum & Daddy carving the pumpkin!

We had to bribe Hyrum to pull out some of the guts! Funny boy!

All done!

Alison was a lady bug! So cute! I could barely get her to hold still for a picture!

Hyrum & the pumpkin!

I was trying to get a picture of the 2 of them....not the best but the best out of the ones I took. Yes, Ali is picking the pumpkins nose!
Above is a video of Hyrum singing some songs for Grandma and Grandpa to hear.
Well...some big news for us lately....1. Ben got in to the MBA program! Hooray! He starts in January! Goodbye husband for 2 years!
2. We are selling our house! Well...trying to. Interest rates are so good we really want to build a house so we are trying to sell. We have been deep cleaning to get everything perfect. It is kinda a pain to have to keep your house perfect all the time for a potential showing anytime! On the flip side...its nice to always have a clean house!
3. The holidays are finally here! I've been waiting waiting waiting for this! Love this time of year and can't wait for the extra family time we will get to spend together!