Life is moving along and we've hit some big milestones the last few weeks! Way back in mid February we did celebrate Valentine's Day. It was Ali's first and she got spoiled with cards from Great Grandma Weatherford and Grandma Breese. She loved looking at them and eventually chewing on them. Hyrum loved his cards too and especially loved getting his first dollar bills! We had to go buy a wallet the next day for him to keep his money in! He's already planning what he wants to buy!

On February 20th our house finally started! They started digging the hole for the foundation and we went out to witness the occasion! Our awesome builder even let Hyrum climb into the tractor with him to help out! (sadly I was sleeping after work while this was happening so the pics are on Ben's phone). Hyrum got some new "fireman" boots for the mud at our new house since we'll be trecking through mud alot the next few months! He had to revive his Halloween costume also...

Hyrum in front of the big tractor!

A few days later they poured our foundation. We walked around and took a look! Seems tiny when its just a foundation but I've learned from walking through other houses that once walls go up it feels bigger.

This is from the south side of our house.

We celebrated Hyrum's 4th Birthday on the 27th! I feel so old to have a 4 year old! We love him so much and he is so much fun! He is so smart and loves preschool, playing with his cousins, and trying to keep his toys away from his sister!

I made a pirate cake for him...he loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Junior!

Since our apartment is tiny we our awesome family let us celebrate at their house for his party. Hyrum chose to take his cousin Candace bowling with him before the party. It was Hyrum's first time bowling (except for the wii). He got 3 strikes (with bumpers) but beat all of us!

Hyrum blowing out his candles with his BFF Candace close by!

Just cause their so cute! I hardly ever bathe them together but since Ben's home tonight we did. They love to play together in the tub!

Week 2 progress on the house consisted of getting window wells and backfilling the dirt around the foundation. They poured the gravel in the basement floor and will be pouring the floor this week and starting to frame! Yeah! This is the back of our house.

Alison will be turning 1 in 3 weeks! Time flies! Can't believe how fast this past year went and how much has changed! Ben is about halfway through his semester and we can't wait for a few weeks off inbetween semesters. I miss my husband! I've been busy picking out house stuff. I've now picked out all the flooring, granite, cabinets, doors, and windows. I didn't realize how many choices there are! I have to stop watching HDTV and checking out pinterest because I get too many ideas that are adding up!
We are looking forward to Grandma Butcher arriving in less than 2 weeks! It's always nice to have family here as a distraction to pass the time! She hasn't seen Ali since she was a few months old so it will be fun to get them together. She's also spoiling me and my sister in law by taking us to the time out for women in IF. I've never been to one of these and am really looking forward to it!