Leelou Blogs

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Have I changed?

This is Hyrum at 2 weeks (a week ago).
Here is Hyrum yesterday (3 weeks old). Has he changed at all? Looks the same to me but I know he is growing.
This was his St. Patrick's Day outfit. He did wear green!
Snuggling with dad after eating!
So yesterday I had the pleasure of going to lunch with some ladies in my ward. It was really nice to get out and Hyrum was an angel. So, today I thought I would try and get to the grocery store about the same time I went to lunch yesterday. We got in the car all ready to go and then he starts screaming. I drove around for a while (not wanting to take a screaming baby into the store) and no luck. We went home and I fed him again (the human pacifier thing). So, he ate and I had him asleep. We ran to CVS pharmacy for a couple things and then to the grocery store literally 2 stores down. Not 2 minutes into the store he starts screaming for the rest of the trip. Everyone is cooing at him and asking to help me or saying "poor thing." It was delightful. This was my first grocery trip just the two of us. How exciting! Hopefully next time will be a little better or Ben is going to become my new shopping buddy!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

we've had the same experience. Have you ever tried using the baby bjorn while shopping. It would usually keep parker sleeping most of the trip.