Here is my little couch potato. Hyrum is always grabbing for the remote from me or Ben so I gave him the remote to our old TV (minus the batteries). He loves to play with it and push the buttons. I set him on the couch the other day to sit for a minute and when I came back this is how I found him. He is his father's child for sure. He had a bored look on his face until I got the camera out and then he smiled. He wasn't facing the TV though-no TV for this little guy yet!

The lazy picture of Hyrum reminded me of a conversation we had this weekend. We went down to Old Town Alexandria with some friends to play ladder golf. It started off well with Hyrum being good laying on the beach towel in the grass watching us play. Our friend made the comment that all moms have to do is read all day and lounge around (eat bon bons). I thought-yeah, he is just being good now, wait and see. For my negative thoughts I was rewarded during dinner. We went to a yummy Thai restaurant where Hyrum proceeded to cry through most of dinner and the dessert was prune juice colored puke on my white shirt. Yeah! How is that for bon bons! I'm pretty sure we were on the "do not call" list for our friends for a while since we had a kid. They decided to give us another shot with an outing with the kid. After Saturday, I'm pretty sure we're on the "do not call" list again.

Here is a picture of Hyrum eating carrots for the first time. He normally is a pretty clean eater so I have to take pictures when he's not just for laughs. I like the carrots on the forhead. He actually liked them though. Yesterday we tried grean beans which he also liked. Our big eater!

So cute! BIG NEWS: I am going to Idaho Sept 15-24th! Yeah. Hyrum and I are flying our for the week to see my mom. Can't wait! The countdown has begun! I wish we were moving but a vacation will hold me over for now! Something to look forward to at least!
Today marks 6 years since my dad died. My mom and I were talking how time flies but how it also feels like just yesterday too. This year I can say I've really learned to appreciate all that my dad did for me. My brother-in-law is in med school and hearing all his horror stories makes me so grateful my dad went through all that to provide us with a nice living. Wish he could have been around this year for the birth of Hyrum (since he was an OBGYN) and to ask him annoying questions about what is going on with Hyrum. I know he is watching over us and I miss him much! Love you dad and love you mom for holding us together!