We made it to Portland, OR and back in one piece and had some fun along the way. It was really nice to get out of town for a few days though I'm not sure I'll drive 12 hours each way with a 17month old again. The drive there took many stops and frequent whinning and crying but we made it. The ride home was much more enjoyable and Hyrum did great considering it all. Above is a picture of Hyrum in my grandparents dog's bed (Lu Lu). He liked to sit there and read a golf magazine... Below is a picture of Hyrum in the bathtub. Every night we'd scrub him down from the days adventures!

Here is Hyrum and Uncle Nate having fun together. Hyrum likes to follow and immitate anything Nate does.

This is a picture of my mom holding a BABY bunny. Like 2 days old! My Uncle has a farm of sorts and had baby bunnies and ducks so we took Hyrum to see them. He had a blast chasing the chickens and ducks around.

Here is Hyrum hugging the bunny! Careful!

Hyrum thinking about touching the duck!

We got lucky enough to go to the beach for a day and escape the heat in Portland. It was kinda cold and misty (typical Cannon Beach weather) until mid morning where we got a rare sunny and warm day at the beach. Hyrum loved the sand and loved running into the cold ocean! Look at those blue eyes!

Hyrum walking on the beach.

What is this sand...think I'll taste it a couple of times.

So not the best picture but my grandparents have a hot tub and Hyrum LOVED it. He is so fearless of water and was constantly trying to dunk his head under. Must be my child cause we love the water!

Here is a picture of us from the beach. Not the best but better than nothing!

We had a fun time and got to eat at Chipotle, visit Ikea, see family and friends that we haven't seen in forever. Ben left us after a couple of days to come back and work but we enjoyed our mini vacation together!
The only downpointe to the vacation is finding out my mom will permanently move to Portland at the end of August! Bummer! At least we're a little closer but her close proximity will be greatly missed!