Can I just warn you that this will probably be my longest post ever! So much has happened and it is not in any kind of order! On a whim...this last weekend I flew to Virginia for a "me" weekend. My good friend Cari is expecting twins in March and my wonderful in-laws flew me out for her shower. The picture above is the whole clan at the shower. It was so fun to see everyone and catch up. Better yet was that she didn't know I was coming so it was a jaw-dropping experience for her! So fun to see her cute belly growing! Below is the mommy-to-be!

This is Hyrum's baby blanket...for those who wanted to know, and you know who you are.

Happily reunited after Hawaii! Hyrum has gone through a little separation anxiety with all of our traveling but we are starting to get back to normal.

Our last day in Hawaii we went to Diamond Head Crater and hiked up it. This was part of the hike...steep stairs!

Had to laugh because on the USS Bowfin there was this placard showing how to do CPR. On your tummy?

USS Missouri! We got to explore the boat! Ben was like a kid in disney land!

Me in front of the big guns!

Me driving the USS Missouri...kinda!

This is me in the USS Bowfin (the submarine). Small hallways.

Ben peeking through the same hole!

USS Arizona. What an amazing memorial. It was really neat to walk around on it and see the sunken ship and remember what happened at Pearl Harbor.

The view near our hotel in Waikiki.

The girl baby blanket I made for Cari. Just wanted to have some pics to remeber it by.

Ben on the North shore. We drove up to see the Big waves!

Us in front of the Laie Temple. Unfortunately its under construction so we couldn't do a session. It was still beautiful and we walked through the visitors center.

Our dinner at the Polynesian Cultural Center. Yup...thats a dead pig!

Us at the PCC eating dinner!

The USS Missouri again.

Inside the Arizona Memorial. It was beautiful but windy!

Us before we boarded the submarine USS Bowfin.

All the boys watching football in Portland after our trip.

Many thanks to my mom who watched Hyrum for us. He really enjoyed her hot tub and is not scared of water whatsoever. He loves to dunk his head and blow bubbles and even jump off of the step! My mom said she got the best sleep she had in a long time the week she watched him! Thanks!

Ben's cousin had her baby 3 days after we got home from Hawaii and 1 day before I left for DC. We watched her little boy (thanks to Ben you're the best) during the time and here are the boys in the tub!

View from Diamond Head.

Boy quilt for Cari!

Hyrum with Mr. Potatoe's glasses on.

A cool fish we saw snorkeling at Hanuama bay.

A parrot fish.

Hanuama Bay.

We went to Kailua on the west side to do some kayaking and snorkeling. This was probably our favorite day. Here is Ben eating lunch on the kayak.

How attractive!

Even more attractive right?

Me on Kailua bay. Yes, we were the whitest people in Hawaii. And no, we did not come back brown. Most our coworkers asked if we even went because we were still so white!

It was a great trip full of fun memories. It already feels like forever ago. We had a great January and are excited for Hyrum turning 2 this month! Two years flies by! Now it is back to work and reality! Can't wait until the twins are born for another excuse to go back to Virginia! Aloha!