Here is our Valentine's Day picture of the three love bugs!
I had a dr appt today to figure out what we can do about having more kids. Thankfully the dr did not pushover my desire to have more despite our trying the last year and two miscarriages. We have a new plan which I'm hopeful and excited about. We are going to try IUI (interuterine insemination) and fertility meds. It can be done locally which I'm grateful for. If 3-4 months of this doesn't work then we will have to resort to going to Boise for their fertility clinic but I'm hopeful that this will work. It's just nice to have a plan. My fears keep growing as Hyrum is almost 2 (in 10 days!) that by the time the next one comes he'll be 3. Which is great. I just don't want them to be 4+ years apart. As I watch Hyrum wipe his doggie's nose and try to feed it I know he'll be a great help to a new little one. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this year will be kinder to us in our desire to increase our family.
I can't believe that Hyrum will be 2 soon! He has started counting "1.....2" and he's practicing blowing out candles. We must blow out about 4 a day! He'll be ready for his birthday. We are going to have a farm theme and I'm making the cake so it should be interesting. He's such a joy and I can't believe it's been 2 years already! Time flies! He is not my baby anymore...he's growing to be such a big boy!
good luck with the fertility stuff. 3 years apart isn't so bad. parker and this one are 3 1/2 years apart.
Good luck, fingers crossed for success in the next few months! Happy Birthday Hyrum!
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