My mom and brother Nate flew out for Nate's spring break. It was so nice to have visitors and someone to help entertain us! We had fun antique shopping, celebrating Easter early, and visiting the dog museum in Idaho falls. Hyrum and Nate loved it. Here they are coming out of a teepee...this was the Idaho part of the museum...not the dog part. It was okay but maybe a little old for Hyrum still.
Hyrum and Nate counting their Easter goods! We had a nice day and really enjoyed remembering our Savior and his Sacrifice for us! Not to mention conference!
Grandma and Nate making pudding or cake or something black?
Ben and I had our big appt with the invitro clinic last Thursday. Ben's sister graciously watched Hyrum so we could drive to Sandy, UT and back in one day! We were welcomed there and very excited to find out we are not crazy and that we really have some issues going on concerning fertility. We were told we were excellent candidates for invitro so we will be starting that in a manner of weeks! We are waiting until family arrives to help out as the logisitics will be a bit harry for a few weeks. I have to spend about 2 weeks in UT for monitoring and the actual invitro. Our target date is July 5 for egg retrieval with later that week being implantation hopefully (if we have some good embryos). We are excited and looking forward to a light at the end of our fertility tunnel! It has been a hard 16 months as I have watched several people get pregnant and deliver and try not to be jealous! I am so grateful for Hyrum because the doctor said he was about a 1 in a million chance! We are hopeful this will work and are so grateful to the Lord for providing us with all the resources to do this and find a great place to do it! Wish us luck!
Good luck with the Invitro! Hope it all works out for you.
The quilt turned out so cute! I love the family picture! Good luck with all the infertility stuff and keep me updated.
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