Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 24, 2008

First Easter!

Last Thursday (the 20th) my nieces came over to visit Hyrum. They saw him in the hospital but the hospital wouldn't let them come near him so this was their first time holding him. He cooperated nicely by sleeping the whole time. This top picture is Jocelyn (left) and Ella (right) holding Hyrum.
This is just Jocelyn holding Hyrum.
This is Ben holding Hyrum Easter morning in bed while I was getting ready for church.
This is a picture after church on Easter. Hyrum is screaming his head off because he was starving. Hey, we got the picture though!
So I have to tell about my first Easter with Hyrum/ first Sunday back at church. It all started at about 3:00am Easter morning when I was feeding Hyrum and thinking of the dress I was going to wear to church. Then I realized, I can't breast feed in a dress, crap, what am I going to wear I don't fit in anything yet! So, I thought it over and figured it out. In the morning I ironed my skirt and squeezed into an outfit that would work. You have to look good the first Sunday back! It's about 8:40 (church is at 9) and I was topping Hyrum off when he pooped all over himself and my skirt! AHH! I ran around trying to figure out what to wear which ended up being a un-ironed, too-tight pink skirt and a lame white sweater. I wasn't very happy. Then, we got to church and I nursed him during Sacrament meeting while trying to fight for the 2 nursing chairs even though there at least 6 of us nursing in the ward right now! He screamed during Sunday school and then proceeded to sleep during Young Womens. At least I got to hear a little of an Easter lesson in Young Womens which was nicely done (Celeste). I've learned that church is no longer for learning but trying to bear through it with children! Hey, it's a nice distraction some days! Just kidding! I'm sure it will get better but it was a pretty funny first Sunday/Easter. Ben and I laughed about it in bed that night. I'm glad he reminds me of the humor of things because that morning I didn't think it was that funny! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Have I changed?

This is Hyrum at 2 weeks (a week ago).
Here is Hyrum yesterday (3 weeks old). Has he changed at all? Looks the same to me but I know he is growing.
This was his St. Patrick's Day outfit. He did wear green!
Snuggling with dad after eating!
So yesterday I had the pleasure of going to lunch with some ladies in my ward. It was really nice to get out and Hyrum was an angel. So, today I thought I would try and get to the grocery store about the same time I went to lunch yesterday. We got in the car all ready to go and then he starts screaming. I drove around for a while (not wanting to take a screaming baby into the store) and no luck. We went home and I fed him again (the human pacifier thing). So, he ate and I had him asleep. We ran to CVS pharmacy for a couple things and then to the grocery store literally 2 stores down. Not 2 minutes into the store he starts screaming for the rest of the trip. Everyone is cooing at him and asking to help me or saying "poor thing." It was delightful. This was my first grocery trip just the two of us. How exciting! Hopefully next time will be a little better or Ben is going to become my new shopping buddy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Do they ever stop eating?

I love Hyrum so much but his personality is starting to come in. He has decided that I need to be his human pacifier. He no longer likes the regular pacifier but prefers me! He nurses every other hour it feels like! If I don't let him he screams his head off for an hour which eventually makes me give in. I miss the first two weeks of him sleeping every 3 hrs and then nursing and going right back to sleep. Did anyone else's baby do this? Sleep is hard to come by these days and some days I feel overwhelmed with household duties that once took me an hour to complete. I have come to realize it is okay if the bathrooms aren't cleaned as regularly as I would like we will manage. I have more pictures of Hyrum but I haven't downloaded them yet. I will have to post them soon. Happy late St. Patricks Day and hope you all remembered to wear green. Hyrum did!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Grandma leaves us!

Today Grandma Breese left us. We are sad to have her go but glad she could come. We (all three of us) will be coming to visit Grandma Breese in April so we are glad that is not too far away. We miss her though!
Smiling sort of!
Got dad, and no it is not spit up!
We had pictures taken at JCPenny's last Saturday and we learned some of their tricks so we had our own photoshoot at home on Sunday. Here are a few of them.
Another picture from our home photoshoot.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ben & Hyrum right after birth.
Dr. Hodges, Ben, Katie & Hyrum after birth.
Tired from birth!
First Bath at home. Not liking it too much (taken Saturday March 1st).
In our baseball/ Dad's team outfit after our 1st bath. We only lasted in this outfit for about 20 minutes because we peed through it! We are definetly doing more laundry now! Hyrum had a Dr.'s appt on Saturday and Monday. He is still juandiced. Saturday he weighed 7lbs but by Monday he was back up to 7lbs 9oz. Mom's milk came in which is helping him grow! Who thought breastfeeding could be so challenging! Good thing he's a good eater and is patient with me! We'll keep you posted on more news!