I love Hyrum so much but his personality is starting to come in. He has decided that I need to be his human pacifier. He no longer likes the regular pacifier but prefers me! He nurses every other hour it feels like! If I don't let him he screams his head off for an hour which eventually makes me give in. I miss the first two weeks of him sleeping every 3 hrs and then nursing and going right back to sleep. Did anyone else's baby do this? Sleep is hard to come by these days and some days I feel overwhelmed with household duties that once took me an hour to complete. I have come to realize it is okay if the bathrooms aren't cleaned as regularly as I would like we will manage. I have more pictures of Hyrum but I haven't downloaded them yet. I will have to post them soon. Happy late St. Patricks Day and hope you all remembered to wear green. Hyrum did!
Sounds like maybe you should try and supplement him. My sister had that same problem and they realized she wasn't making enough milk for how much he needed to eat. So she started just topping him off with formula and he was like a whole new kid. Maybe you should try it so you can have part of your life back! =) So frusturating though huh? Good luck
Don't get too stressed about cleaning your house. They are only small like that for a short time and then you can't hold them like that anymore, so take advantage while you can!
yes i was the human pacifier with #1. i guess the good thing is that since hyrum is your first, you can just sit and nurse and not have to worry about some other little person tearing your house apart! get some good books, good movies, take a nap, etc. during the constant feedings and try to appreciate the forced opportunity to sit down and enjoy your baby while the mold grows in your shower :)
that is the same way our house was. That is when we started giving Parker a bottle after eating. Don't worry about the house work, It will get done one day.
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