Leelou Blogs

Sunday, April 27, 2008

End of Trip & Hyrum's Blessing

Grandma Breese, Uncle Nathan, and Hyrum. We were sad to leave Grandma and Uncle Nathan but we are happy to be home with Ben now. Hopefully we will be returning to Idaho soon. We should find out this week! The return flight was uneventful except for the one hour delay (which we had to sit on the plane during) for bad weather in DC. We made it though!
This is our niece Michelle and Hyrum at Aunt Becky's house!
Uncle Nathan and unhappy Hyrum!
Hyrum smiling in his blessing outfit on his blessing blanket! (Thanks Grandma Breese for making it!)
A picture of us after the blessing. Ben did a great job. Thanks to Rob & Cari for taking the picture for us!


Cari said...

Thanks for giving us credit on our great photography work! We had great subjects so that's why the pics turned out so great! Your haircut is even cuter in person. I love it! Sad you might be leaving us but hope Ben gets the job since I know it's what you want. Can't wait to catch up more later this week.

Kristen said...

cute family picture. I love your hair. I should rally cut mine soon. I am excited to hear about the job. I will be looking forward to a blog post when you know what's happening.