Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 24, 2008

First Easter!

Last Thursday (the 20th) my nieces came over to visit Hyrum. They saw him in the hospital but the hospital wouldn't let them come near him so this was their first time holding him. He cooperated nicely by sleeping the whole time. This top picture is Jocelyn (left) and Ella (right) holding Hyrum.
This is just Jocelyn holding Hyrum.
This is Ben holding Hyrum Easter morning in bed while I was getting ready for church.
This is a picture after church on Easter. Hyrum is screaming his head off because he was starving. Hey, we got the picture though!
So I have to tell about my first Easter with Hyrum/ first Sunday back at church. It all started at about 3:00am Easter morning when I was feeding Hyrum and thinking of the dress I was going to wear to church. Then I realized, I can't breast feed in a dress, crap, what am I going to wear I don't fit in anything yet! So, I thought it over and figured it out. In the morning I ironed my skirt and squeezed into an outfit that would work. You have to look good the first Sunday back! It's about 8:40 (church is at 9) and I was topping Hyrum off when he pooped all over himself and my skirt! AHH! I ran around trying to figure out what to wear which ended up being a un-ironed, too-tight pink skirt and a lame white sweater. I wasn't very happy. Then, we got to church and I nursed him during Sacrament meeting while trying to fight for the 2 nursing chairs even though there at least 6 of us nursing in the ward right now! He screamed during Sunday school and then proceeded to sleep during Young Womens. At least I got to hear a little of an Easter lesson in Young Womens which was nicely done (Celeste). I've learned that church is no longer for learning but trying to bear through it with children! Hey, it's a nice distraction some days! Just kidding! I'm sure it will get better but it was a pretty funny first Sunday/Easter. Ben and I laughed about it in bed that night. I'm glad he reminds me of the humor of things because that morning I didn't think it was that funny! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!


Andrea said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it church doesn't get better until your last child is happily adjusted to nursery :) You will find yourself wandering the halls more than sitting in meetings/classes and wondering WHY AM I HERE??? And I can totally relate to the outfit thing - four months out and I am still scrambling every Sunday and forcing myself into things that don't fit....

Kristen said...

your's friends comment is absolutely true. Some days Shawn and I get home and say- did you get anything out of church today. Granted I don't take parker during primary, but some weeks I wonder why we go to church- a friend told us it is for the routine of going now that we have kids.

Karl said...

And it's only just beginning! :) Love ya! Bethany