Leelou Blogs

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hyrum Craig Butcher

Hyrum Craig Butcher has arrived. He was born February 27, 2008 at 2:34pm weighing 7lbs 13oz and 21 inches long. I was induced that morning and by 1:30 I was pushing and after one hour he was out! It was great! Got the epidural at 11am and that was wonderful. We came home this afternoon and we are loving him. I don't have any pictures saved quite yet of right when he was born but here are some we've taken the last 48 hrs. I'm sure I'll post more soon as we get them!


Melanie and Jake said...

So cute! Congratulations! Be sure to take lots of pictures when he is little cause they grow so fast! Epidurals are like heaven! I'm a big fan.

Karl said...

Katie, he is so stinkin' cute! Lots of hair, too. Congrats! Your labor experience sounds a lot like mine . . . which is not a bad thing. :) Bethany

McClains said...

Congrats!! Looks like you did a great job! I love looking at his pictures, and all his hair! So cute!

Kristen said...

He is a handsome little guy. Looks like he has a lot of hair. Glad to hear that you are all doing well.

Andrea said...

Sounds like a dream labor - what a CUTE little guy!! Congrats!