Hyrum is 3 months old today! He has changed so much in these 3 months! He can now grasp toys (like his baseball rattle above) and loves to suck on his fingers. He is much happier now and rarely cries compared to how he always seemed to be fussy before. He is talking a lot and moving more each day. We love our little boy! Now we see why people have more than 1! Below is a picture of Hyrum asleep in the stroller when we went for a walk one evening.

On Memorial Day Ben and I decided we needed to get out of the house and enjoy the 90 degree weather. We are tired of walking around our neighborhood so we drove down to the mall (aka downtown DC where the monuments/museums are) to walk around. We spent about 3 hours down there and enjoyed walking around. Hyrum was perfect the whole trip!

Here is Ben & Hyrum in front of the Washington Monument-notice not a cloud in the sky!

Here is me & Hyrum doing the same thing!

It was really neat to be downtown on Memorial Day. We walked by the different memorials and there were a lot of veterans walking around hugging people they didn't even know. Lots of people were saying thank you to the veterans as well. It made you greatful for their service for our country. Happy Memorial Day and thank you veterans!
On a lighter note, work went well this past weekend. Sunday we were extremely well staffed (everyone wanted Holiday pay) so that was nice. I saw a baby that is 6 months old (age wise not corrected gestational age) that made similar noises to Hyrum and as I was holding him I couldn't help but thank Heavenly Father again for giving us a healthy baby. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby and take it for granted daily. Being back at work reminds me how lucky I am and how hard it must be for those moms that leave their babies with us on a daily basis!