Hyrum is growing strong. This was at 16 weeks. He loves to spit now and play with his helicopter. He can also roll over from tummy to back and from back to tummy! He is also beginning to teethe. We had our 4 month check up with lots of shots. He weighs 15lbs 8 oz (65%), 27 1/4 inches (99%). He also got to start rice cereal!

Here is Hyrum in a new outfit that Grandma Breese sent us. Cute!

We broke down and got him a bumbo to help him learn how to hold his head up. This was the first attempt. Not quite got it yet!

Here was another attempt and we are doing better. Still not full head control yet but we are getting there. He has also rolled onto his tummy a few times while he sleeps. We're trying to keep him on his back for SIDS but we'll see!

Here is how our first attempt with rice cereal went. He actually did great the first time!

The 2nd and 3rd time wasn't as successful. He spit most of it out and grimaced from the taste. Poor guy!

More feeding pictures!

Last night we had a thunderstorm and lost our power for 2 hrs. About 10 minutes after the power went out we saw fire trucks and ambulances all around our house. A few town-houses down a tree fell down into the townhouse! Here are some pictures of it! Scary! As we drove to church this morning we saw many more BIG trees down! (Side view)

Front view.

All is well with us. Hope it is with you too!
glad your house is ok. look into getting a tray for your bumbo. We loved ours but Parker got frustrated because his toys always fell out of his reach.
Katie, when are you guys moving here?!? Heard anything on a job yet?
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