Greetings to everyone from our very first blog in Idaho! Already we have been busy! Last week was crazy! We had some fun though! Not last Friday but the Friday before our friends threw us a goodbye party which was nice for everyone who came. Sad that we were first to leave our own party (thanks Hyrum we love ya). Saturday ( a week ago) we spent time with Ben's brother Rodney and his kids. Fun to see them before we left. Sunday we went to West Virginia (my first time there) to see Ben's Grandpa and get a 4 generation picture of Butchers. It was a beautiful drive and I'm sad we didn't make this trip earlier. Monday we came home and got ready for movers. Tuesday movers came and packed our entire 8000 lbs of stuff in 2 hours! Fast! Tuesday night we spent in the dark because all of our lamps were packed...Wednesday we had people come to load the truck! That took most of the day and we cleaned our place the remaining hours. Ben and his dad left early Thursday and arrived Friday night at 11pm! Two days to get here from Virginia-fast-I didn't ask how fast...Friday Hyrum and I flew in. We barely made our connections and thanks to the SLC airport we got to be cool people who get to get driven around in the airport because you have 5 minues to make your connection! We made it safe and sound and Hyrum was a trooper! Saturday we went to Idaho Falls to show Ben's dad our dream houses and show him where we will be working. We also went up to Rexburg to drop Ben's dad off at Becky's house and see her family! I know...why would we drive any more? It was fun though. Today has been truly a day of relaxation! Horray!
This next week brings excitement as well. Tomorrow we look at houses and I have my job interview. Tuesday we are looking at more houses and getting financing approved. The rest of the week will be busy running errands. I'll post pictures someday of our 4 generation pics. I'm on my mom's computer so I can't right now. Hope all is well with everyone and wish us luck house hunting! We can't wait!
January 2025: Snow Days, B-ball, A Big Bowl
3 days ago
Buying a house! That is great. Good luck and I hope that you find something that you will like.
Hey this is Susan from nursing school. Every so often I check your blog from Kristen's. Good luck with the house hunt and job interviews. Where are you hoping to live and work?
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