Leelou Blogs

Monday, December 8, 2008

Let it Snow!

Well, I feel I've been slacking with the pictures of Hyrum. So, here are a few from yesterday. Here is our little man in his church outfit ready for church. We have church from 1-4 (only til January thankfully) and we actually survived yesterday. The first Sunday at this time was horrible for Hyrum but yesterday he made it through without too much crying. He got poked in the eye by a little girl at church who also tried to feed him paper, steal his cheerios, and take his toys. Where was this child's mother? We came home and Hyrum was in bed by 6:45pm and was out for the night! A whole 45 minutes extra of Ben & me time!
Below is a picture of handsome daddy and Hyrum getting ready for church.
It was beautiful before church yesterday so we went for our first walk around the neighborhood. Hyrum was loaded up in the stroller with hat, mittens, and marshmallow coat intact! He looks so cute all decked out for winter! He's still not too sure about the cold thing but getting used to it!

Today it snowed for the first time since we've been in Idaho. This picture was taken this afternoon though this morning the snow was more impressive before half of it melted. We had about 2 inchers before melting began-the lawn and driveway were covered completely! The best thing about this winter-A GARAGE! This is the first winter EVER for Ben that he has had a garage to park his car in. I told him it snowed when I got up this morning and he was like-who cares I don't have to scrape! It is wonderful! Love the 2 car garage! Never will go without one again!

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