Leelou Blogs

Friday, May 1, 2009

He's Alive!

Hyrum had a bilateral myringotomy (ear tubes) today (early this morning). We had to be there at 0530 and he did great. He was very snuggly before the procedure and did not want to get into his hospital gown. The anesthesiologist gave me a scare because Hyrum started acting like he was getting another ear infection yesterday and the anesthesiologist thought we should wait to do it but the doctor doing the surgery wanted to...anyway....we did it and it turned out fine. These pictures are of Hyrum afterwards (forgot to get some before). He didn't even cry when they took him and he was back within 30minutes. He snuggled with mommy after and only cried when he wanted his applejuice. He is sleeping great today and has been playing some. We are spoiling him with jello and applejuice. We are so glad he is healthy and everything went well. Hopefully no more ear infections!

1 comment:

Cari said...

Well at least you got some cute hospital pictures out of the deal. Glad everything went well with his surgery!